These pieces are inspired by a Mark Twain article. They are intended as vessels to contain one's "unpopular thoughts".
"The Privilege of the Grave"
Mark Twain
Its occupant has one privilege which is not exercised by any living person: free speech. The living man is not really without this privilege-strictly speaking-but as he possess it merely as an empty formality, and knows better than to make use of it, it cannot be seriously regarded as an actual possession. As an active privilege, it ranks with the privilege of committing murder: we may exercise it if we are willing to take the consequences. There is not one individual who is not the possessor of dear and cherished unpopular convictions which common wisdom forbids him to utter.

Hornbeam wood, acrylic dye, marble, rose thorns - carved, assembled

Steel - welded

Steel, bronze - welded, brazed

Steel - forged, welded